Saturday, August 20, 2016

KrF: – We are not for decoration – NRK

Democratic Party leader Knut Arild Hareide took a sharp confrontation with FRP and government refugee and aid policies.

At the same time he came with a clear warning to the cooperation parties ahead of the next election. Then namely KrF decide whether to cooperate with the government in power or with Labor.

– It’s easy for KrF. It is politics that is important. That’s what we get approval for, and it is clear that aid and refugees is important for us. We have obtained good results with the cooperation of the government, but we are not for decoration, said Hareide.

See also: Compliments from the competition

He has looked tired on the Progress flirtation with Christian voters.

the battle for Christian voters

– Sylvi Listhaug (immigration and integration minister of FRP, journ.’s note) agree with us on the Christian conventions, but it must be followed up in practice, said Democratic Party leader.

he is referring in part to earlier this summer when he and Listhaug beøkte Evangeliesenter in Oslo.

Asked about Christian values ​​still have a place in society and politics, said Listhaug that most Norwegian holidays and days off are Christians. Such as Christmas, Easter and Pentecost.

It got Hareide to light.

Knut Arild Hareide (Chr) on Evangelisenterets summer.

Photo: David Vojislav Crowberry / NRK

One of the points FRP and KrF is fuming disagree, is namely Sunday open stores.

– You’re talking about Christian holidays, but we have Sunday. It should we keep as a different day, said Hareide.

Democratic Party leader also wrote a statement on NRK in which he attacks the cooperative party FRP. Where he calls the Progress Party’s claim that they want to help the refugees where they are for a milliardran.

In the statement, he writes among other things:

– What I see is that when FRP set in opposition, so they increased aid by one penny, but for every penny they rose, they took 50.

It rejected both Siv Jensen (FRP) and Erna Solberg (H). They believe that the government has on the contrary increased spending to refugees.

– We even took the initiative for a donor conference to bring in even more money.

Asked about the debate makes it easier for him to decide who KrF shall cooperate with the post-election next year, said Hareide:

– I did not go to Pride to get a relationship with Jonas Gahr Støre. Cooperation has not been clear to me in this debate. The most important thing for me is that I get to political.

Ap dropper inherit rematch

Earlier, Labor helped to remove the inheritance tax. It has been unclear whether the party wanted to introduce another form of tax or tax on inheritance. When Minister was challenged on this by Siv Jensen during the debate, he replied that it was unacceptable to reintroduce inheritance tax.

When asked directly whether they can come to introduce another form of taxation on inheritance, said Minister particular

– No, I say.


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