Thursday, October 20, 2016

Matches by one of the Aleppos “humanitarian corridors” – Romsdals Budstikke

It is Russia and the syrian regime that has notified the pause in the attack on the opprørskontrollerte section of the syrian capital.

Right after at 8 Thursday morning, Norwegian time reported eksilgruppen Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) that it was fired shots at a corridor that is on the front line in the centre of the city. A few minutes later lit a journalist from AFP that it was broken out matches on the site.

The state-controlled syrian news agency SANA accuses “terrorist groups” to stand behind.

It is the Russian authorities who initially promised an eleven hour cease-fire Thursday so that the wounded can be evacuated and aid brought into the opprørskontrollerte parts of the war-torn syrian city. The air strikes against areas stopped on Tuesday, but according to sources on the ground have granatangrep and the fighting continued in some areas.

The syrian army has pledged to open eight safe corridors out of Eastern Aleppo. Two of them should also be used by rebels as long as they leave their weapons lying again. (©NTB) (©NTB)


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