Monday, December 5, 2016

ON the teeter-totter: Miljøpartiet The Greens, here spokesperson Rasmus Hansson and Une … – Daily

The first partimålingen after budsjettforliket in the weekend send Miljøpartiet De Green over the threshold to the Parliament by 4.5 percent. MDG gets paid for that climate policy is in the shot. Frp goes up to 13.2 per cent and receive for their part paid for that party would not open bilpakka.

the Measurement from the Side TNS as TV 2 announced tonight, is remarkable. The coalition parties and samarbeidspartiene ports in the minority in the Parliament with the 79 mandates. The present coalition, 82 and missing the 3 mandates of the majority. If the MDG will receive 4.5 per cent at the election, will Rasmus Hanssons enmannsgruppe grow to a party of 8 people. Thus, the green group on the teeter-totter in the Parliament and can decide who should become the prime minister of Erna Solberg, and Jonas Gahr Støre.

Budsjettkampen the last few weeks have been a battle about the climate policy. MDG has not participated in the fight, but the party has clearly won the voters that the party essentially has stood in the centre of attention. If the climate also becomes a main in the long election campaign which is now in time, any climate policy should be because it is important, MDG see the positive in the parliamentary election.

in the election in 2013 was Miljøpartiet De Green only 2.8 per cent and one man in Parliament. With 8 representatives will Miljøpartiet The Green end up in a vippeposisjon that is all the smaller parties ‘ ønskeposisjon. The right and Ap will come in a in a neglebitende position. Who will Miljøpartiet choose of Solberg and Støre?

On landsstyremøtet at the weekend endorsed Miljøpartiet that it will not support a government which the progress party is with. MDG is blokkuavhengig and it has no statsministerfavoritt. Miljøpartiet will support the prime minister from the party that can offer the best climate policy. It should be an easy match for Ap leader Jonas Gahr Støre to win a klimaduell with Erna Solberg, where MDG is the referee.

After Miljøpartiets clarification at the weekend, it is only Right and conservative party who want the current government a life after the election. The right is now the right’s only friend. All the others will have Siv Jensen’s party out of the parliament palace.

finance minister Siv Jensen does not so easy. She repeats and repeats that the conservative party will not support a government that the party is not in. The party’s voters like obviously that finance minister Siv Jensen is stubborn and that she clung to his bilpakka under budsjettkrisen.

On the poll in the TV 2, went Right up by 1.4 percentage points. The result of 13.3 per cent is 3 percentage points weaker than the election results in 2013, which was not any good options for Frp. But before budsjettkrisen set in in earnest, showed all the measurements that the conservative party was on the way down. This first measurement after the crisis is slipped over, may indicate that the fall has stopped. Ultimatumet about can be a problem may have been a huge hit for the Norwegian minister of finance Siv Jensen. It will give Jensen and her partifeller more blood on the tooth in the future.

the Right don’t get paid for struggled to get a majority for the state budget. The party goes back slightly, to 23 percent. It is almost 4 percentage points weaker than the election results. Neither prime minister Erna Solberg or Right have gotten it in høstsesjonen.

There has, however, Ap, despite the fact that the party has been pretty quiet in the boat. The party goes however at this measurement back by 0.8 percentage point to 37,2 percent. But it is a strong number. If this becomes the election results, then wins the Ap election. But according to TV 2-the measurement will be the MDG that determines if the Store becomes the prime minister.

Q stands steady at 6 per cent. The left, the Progress and A struggle all with the threshold. SV is so far below the 3.9 per cent. This is barely over with 4.3 percent. The left lies and flip on the border. The choice will ultimately be decided by which of these parties it is like going above or falls below threshold.


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