Friday, December 2, 2016

Will lift the “invisible” vocational schools – NRK

on Friday, he put forward a white paper to strengthen the country’s 94 vocational schools, which together educate over 15,000 students.

education ms. Torbjørn Røe Isaksen.

Foto: Ksenia Novikova / NRK

Fagutdanningene is kjempeviktige for the Norwegian labour market and Norwegian companies, but have been systematically discouraged over the years, says education ms. Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H) to the NTB.

Fagskolene offer vocational education in a variety of subjects such as the bodywork of high school or equivalent competence.

Figures from the confederation of Norwegian enterprise shows that four out of ten companies lack fagskoleutdannet labour, and signs about lost quests because of this. STATISTICS norway estimates that Norway will be missing close to the 100,000 skilled workers in 2035.

Exults over the proposal

One of those who rejoice over the proposal is the Right fylkestingsrepresentant in the county of Møre and Romsdal, a Seven Handle.

Seven Handle is fylkestingsrepresentant Right in Møre and Romsdal.

Photo: Private

– WE get safer financial basis for fagskolene. It is thus also less financial headaches for us fylkestingspolitikere. Students will also have more new rights when the vocational programs receive elevated status. They have the right to belong to a studentsamskipnad, they get the opportunity to student oh they get support for studies abroad. Thus, increased status, to study at vocational schools, ” says Handle.

treated Unfairly

Fagskolene now get a pot of 35 million to develop the quality of education. In addition to fagskolestudentene get more rights and benefits.

the Students on the fagskolene have been treated unfairly. While students at universities and colleges have had access to student and other social benefits, as well as the opportunity to study abroad and the right to vote in various boards, so have not fagskolestudentene had such rights and benefits. It should they now get, ” says Isaksen.

the Government also suggests that the fagskoleutdanning to give additional points for admission to colleges and universities, such as, for example, the school and military duty provides in the day.

– Should we get more to take fagskoleutdanning, must the students be heard and valued, says Isaksen, who hopes the measures will lead to that more will choose vocational programs and college.

Requires equal treatment

Organization of Norwegian fagskolestudenter (ONF) is positive to the measures.

– Now we expect that the Parliament meet. We expect measures that equate vocational education at vocational schools with colleges and universities, says ONF-leader Sally Kjørholt.

Kjørholt says it still is a challenge that the ownership of the public vocational schools are not moved to the state, but remains with the county authorities.

– ONF-the leader encourages the government to venture to equate vocational education with the academic. They have different qualities, but must be prioritized equally because society needs both, says Kjørholt.


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