Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Considering the heightened security around the Cappelen for Jensen’s explanation – Aftenposten

It was associated with considerable excitement to Jensen’s explanation in court Wednesday about his 20 years long association and knowledge of Cappelen.

” We realized early on that Gjermund Cappelen was a person with unique insight, especially in closed environments, also outside the country’s borders. Possibly he is one of the best sources we have had, ” said Jensen.

the Policeman and hasjimportøren met for the first time in the spring of 1993, when Jensen caught Gjermund Thorud, as he was called at the time, with 93 grams of marijuana.

He contributed to a large number of solved cases at home and abroad, he explained and informed about seizures of drugs related to criminal motorsykkelklubber and a hasjparti of 2.5 tons that was going to the Danish fristaden Christiania.

Silent from the MC-clubs

In the criminal environment it can to be known as the squeal or politiinformant have serious consequences.

Aftenposten visited Wednesday the premises of both the Hells Angels and Bandidos in Oslo, but none of motorsykkelgjengene wanted to comment on the information that emerged in court.

cappelen in his safety are now being evaluated continuously both by Ila prison and of Bærums-the police, Aftenposten confirmed.

– There have been some challenges around Gjermund cappelen in his security all the way, and what measures we should put in the work is to the ongoing assessment, ” says director Knut Bjarkeid by Isa.

– Sit the inmates of the Isa from the criminal MC-environments?

We are commenting not who zones in us, ” says Bjarkeid.

no later than a week ago wrote VG that Bandidos-profile Lars Harnes (48) had been transferred to solitary confinement of the Isa, after having harassed pedophiles fellow prisoners.

Cappelen zones today in a department where he has fellowship with 14 other inmates.

Police close in

Visepolitimester Terje Nybø in Oslo police district says they follow with what is going forward in the Oslo district court:

Security around Cappelen and Jensen is to continuously review, says Nybø.

Wednesday was three heavy criminals shown away from the Oslo court house after being denied access to the courtroom 250 where the case against Cappelen and Jensen goes. It is the third day in a row that the police bortviser criminals from the court proceedings.

And then Jensen and his partner left the Courthouse Wednesday afternoon, stood five armed police officers on the stairs and kept looking in each their direction.

cappelen in his defense, attorney Benedict de Vibe, choose to believe that what Jensen said about his client was too general to change the security situation.

But he shall soon return to the prison, and there we have it, over a hundred criminals. Not everyone is equally complicated screwed together in the head. They draw conclusions quickly. Therefore, it can easily occur difficult situations, says the Vibe.

Threatened the life

in the Summer of 1993 received Thorud threats from the so-called “Nordlandsmafiaen”, and he called Jensen to get advice.

the Result was the so-called “Flydropp-case”, where the police first was ready and waiting when 13 kg of amphetamine were thrown from a light aircraft by Lillesand. Jensen and his men from the narkotikaseksjonen caught 12 men from the criminal network around Alta-man Gunnar Evertsen.

Jensen said in his explanation that the Vibe had personally approved that Cappelen would be the informant in connection with this case.

The Vibe rejects on the contrary, that his client has acted as informant and source for the police.

This is not correct. I was even a defender for one of them who was indicted in this case, and could not be driven with such rolleblanding, ” says a clearly annoyed the Vibe.

Jensen: Nødrett to the defense

In 1993, registered Jensen Cappelen as GT007 in the police informantregister.

The former politioverbetjenten, which is accused of gross corruption and complicity to smuggling of 13,9 tonnes of cannabis resin were, talked about the fact that he is speaking out about he described as his former informant and source that one of the hardest things he has done in his entire life.

I need to do this, the closest of the nødrett, to defend myself against the serious accusations directed against me, ” he said.

Jensen said he felt dolket in the back of Cappelen, but added that he did not bear a grudge to him.

He made it clear that he would not drop specific names of people in the open, the explanation for the Oslo district court on Wednesday. A more detailed review of the criminals who have been involved in a number of major criminal cases that came to the on the basis of tips from Cappelen, is expected on Thursday afternoon.

Then the district court in consultation with stakeholders announced that they will adopt the closed doors.

The retired police officer stated that Cappelen at one point got paid 70.000 crowns of the Oslo police for his work as informant. It is the largest amount that is paid as reimbursement for expenses to such partner by the police.

on The third day in court began with Eirik Jensen continued on his free explanation.

He has told about how he met Cappelen and about how Cappelen was the informant. He has also told about various problems Cappelen has had, and how Jensen helped him.

– Cappelen has been one of the best sources the police have had, ” said Jensen.

Then was it aktoratets turn to examine the Jensen. It was a langdryg affair. Kristine Schilling in Spesialenheten spent about three and a half an hour to read up from different work descriptions that Jensen has had and the instructions relating to the treatment of informants.

Schilling spent a lot of time to find out whether Jensen has followed these instructions. After each began Jensen to be annoyed, because he thought he had explained himself well enough around this.

Both the prosecutor Kristine Schilling from Spesialenheten and the court administrator Kim Heger asked Jensen a number of critical questions about his handling of informers and sources through the period from 1993 to the 24. February 2014, when he was arrested.

for several hours was Jensen grilled about his relationship to the instructions about the informant – and kildebehandling, a policy he himself as a pioneer on the field had been on to write in detail.

Instructions are just a “guide”

Jensen struggled to explain why he himself had not followed these rules, and the court members raised eyebrows when the prosecutor confronted him with the things he had said in previous questioning about the instructions.

– Instruksverket is careful and meticulous – but it is now a time so that after a time acquires certain ways of working. The most important thing for me was to make information available to the police, said Jensen.

He also stated that the instructions was just “guides” that were written to guide the younger police colleges that came straight from the course.

Can you deviate from the instructions if you are a little older? Who determines this, or can the individual police officer consider this though, would Schilling know?

– There are many different ways to relate to an instruction, without breaking it. I have had a large degree of trust from my bosses to make a portion of these to the opinions themselves, he said.

Downgraded all the informants to the sources

Jensen stated that he already in 1995 downgraded Cappelen from the informant to the source. It meant less rigid logging and documentation of the meetings between the two. After repeated questions from the prosecutor confirmed to Jensen that he had never made audio recordings of conversations with Cappelen.

And then he in 2005 received more administrative responsibility, downgraded Jensen all their other informants in the same way.

– Irrelevant label

Jensen’s defender, John Christian the Fire, believes it is immaterial what legal label that is put on the contact between his client and Cappelen.

What is important is what information is given about Cappelen. They were nedført and why was there much contact with the? It is bevistema, ” he says.

– It may seem like that Cappelen and the other informants were downgraded by Jensen out of pure bekvemmelighetshensyn?

– Yes, partly bekvemmelighetsårsak and partly how credible Cappelen could be. An informant must be ready to meet in court and explain to them what they have done. The police must vouch for that he not have provoked something that could lead to impunity for suspected gjerningspersoner, ” says Fire.


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